# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BFit - python program that fits a convex sum of
# positive basis functions to any probability distribution. .
# Copyright (C) 2020 The BFit Development Team.
# This file is part of BFit.
# BFit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# BFit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
# ---
r"""Parsing Slater files."""
import os
import re
import numpy as np
__all__ = ["load_slater_wfn"]
[docs]def load_slater_wfn(element, anion=False, cation=False):
Return the data inside the atomic Slater '.slater' files wave-function file as a dictionary.
element : str
The atom/element.
anion : bool
If true, then the anion of element is used.
cation : bool
If true, then the cation of element is used.
# Heavy atoms from atom cs to lr.
heavy_atoms = ["cs", "ba", "la", "ce", "pr", "nd", "pm", "sm", "eu", "gd", "tb", "dy", "ho",
"er", "tm", "yb", "lu", "hf", "ta", "w", "re", "os", "ir", "pt", "au", "hg",
"tl", "pb", "bi", "po", "at", "rn", "fr", "ra", "ac", "th", "pa", "u", "np",
"pu", "am", "cm", "bk", "cf", "es", "fm", "md", "no", "lr"]
anion_atoms = ["ag", "al", "as", "b", "br", "c", "cl", "co", "cr", "cu", "f", "fe", "ga",
"ge", "h", "i", "in", "k", "li", "mn", "mo", "n", "na", "nb", "ni", "o",
"p", "pd", "rb", "rh", "ru", "s", "sb", "sc", "se", "si", "sn", "tc", "te",
"ti", "v", "y", "zr"]
cation_atoms = ["ag", "al", "ar", "as", "b", "be", "br", "c", "ca", "cd", "cl", "co",
"cr", "cs", "cu", "f", "fe", "ga", "ge", "i", "in", "k", "kr", "li",
"mg", "mn", "mo", "n", "na", "nb", "ne", "ni", "o", "p", "pd", "rb",
"rh", "ru", "s", "sb", "sc", "se", "si", "sn", "sr", "tc", "te", "ti",
"v", "xe", "y", "zn", "zr"]
is_heavy_element = element.lower() in heavy_atoms
if anion:
if element.lower() in anion_atoms:
file_path = f"/data/anion/{element.lower()}.an"
raise ValueError(
f"Anion Slater File for element {element} does not exist."
elif cation:
if element.lower() in cation_atoms:
file_path = f"/data/cation/{element.lower()}.cat"
raise ValueError(
f"Cation Slater File for element {element} does not exist."
file_path = f"/data/neutral/{element.lower()}.slater"
file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__) + file_path)
def _get_number_of_electrons_per_orbital(configuration):
Get the Occupation Number for all orbitals of an _element returing an dictionary.
configuration : str
The electron configuration.
a dict containing the number and orbital.
electron_config_list = configuration
shells = ["K", "L", "M", "N"]
out = {}
orbitals = [str(x) + "S" for x in range(1, 8)] + [str(x) + "P" for x in range(2, 8)] + \
[str(x) + "D" for x in range(3, 8)] + [str(x) + "F" for x in range(4, 8)]
for orb in orbitals:
# Initialize all atomic orbitals to zero electrons
out[orb] = 0
# Sometimes electron configuration includes K L M N for simplicity
for x in shells:
if x in electron_config_list:
if x == "K":
out["1S"] = 2
elif x == "L":
out["2S"] = 2
out["2P"] = 6
elif x == "M":
out["3S"] = 2
out["3P"] = 6
out["3D"] = 10
elif x == "N":
out["4S"] = 2
out["4P"] = 6
out["4D"] = 10
out["4F"] = 14
for x in orbitals:
if x in electron_config_list:
index = electron_config_list.index(x)
orbital = (electron_config_list[index: index + 2])
if orbital[1] == "D" or orbital[1] == "F":
num_electrons = re.search(orbital + r"\((.*?)\)", electron_config_list).group(1)
out[orbital] = int(num_electrons)
out[orbital] = int(electron_config_list[index + 3: index + 4])
return {key: value for key, value in out.items() if value != 0}
def _get_column(t_orbital):
Correct the error in order to retrieve the correct column.
The Columns are harder to parse as the orbitals start with one while p orbitals start at
t_orbital : str
orbital i.e. "1S" or "2P" or "3D"
int :
Retrieve the right column index depending on whether it is "S", "P" or "D" orbital.
if t_orbital[1] == "S":
return int(t_orbital[0]) + 1
elif t_orbital[1] == "P":
return int(t_orbital[0])
elif t_orbital[1] == "D":
return int(t_orbital[0]) - 1
elif t_orbital[1] == "F":
return int(t_orbital[0]) - 2
raise ValueError(f"Did not recognize orbital {t_orbital}.")
def _configuration_exact_for_heavy_elements(configuration):
r"""Later file for heavy elements does not contain the configuration in right format."""
true_configuration = ""
if "[XE]" in configuration:
true_configuration += "K(2)L(8)M(18)4S(2)4P(6)5S(2)4D(10)5P(6)"
true_configuration += configuration.split("[XE]")[1]
elif "[RN]" in configuration:
# Add Xenon
true_configuration += "K(2)L(8)M(18)4S(2)4P(6)5S(2)4D(10)5P(6)"
# Add Rn
true_configuration += "4F(14)6S(2)5D(10)6P(6)"
# Add rest
true_configuration += configuration.split("[RN]")[1]
raise ValueError("Heavy element is not the right format for parsing.")
return true_configuration
with open(file_name, "r", encoding="utf8") as f:
line = f.readline()
configuration = line.split()[1].replace(",", "")
if is_heavy_element:
configuration = _configuration_exact_for_heavy_elements(configuration)
next_line = f.readline()
# Sometimes there are blank lines.
while len(next_line.strip()) == 0:
next_line = f.readline()
if is_heavy_element:
# Heavy element slater files has extra redundant information of 5 lines.
for _ in range(0, 6):
next_line = f.readline()
# Get energy from "E=..." line
split_energy_line = next_line.split("=")
if not split_energy_line[0].strip() == "E":
raise RuntimeError("Parsing error of energy term 'E='.")
energy = float(split_energy_line[1])
# Split the kinetic, potential energy.
split_energy_line = re.findall(r"[= -]\d+.\d+", f.readline())
assert len(split_energy_line) == 3
kinetic_energy = float(split_energy_line[0])
potential_energy = float(split_energy_line[1])
orbitals = []
orbitals_basis = {'S': [], 'P': [], 'D': [], "F": []}
orbitals_cusp = []
orbitals_energy = []
orbitals_exp = {'S': [], 'P': [], 'D': [], "F": []}
orbitals_coeff = {}
line = f.readline()
while line.strip() == "":
line = f.readline()
while line.strip() != "":
# If line has ___S___ or P or D where _ = " ".
if re.search(r' [S|P|D|F] ', line):
# Get All The Orbitals
subshell = line.split()[0]
list_of_orbitals = line.split()[1:]
orbitals += list_of_orbitals
for x in list_of_orbitals:
orbitals_coeff[x] = [] # Initilize orbitals inside coefficient dictionary
# Get Energy, Cusp Levels
line = f.readline()
orbitals_energy.extend([float(x) for x in line.split()[1:]])
if not is_heavy_element:
# Heavy atoms slater files, doesn't have cusp values,.
line = f.readline()
orbitals_cusp.extend([float(x) for x in line.split()[1:]])
line = f.readline()
# Get Exponents, Coefficients, Orbital Basis
while re.match(r'\A^\d' + subshell, line.lstrip()):
list_words = line.split()
orbitals_exp[subshell] += [float(list_words[1])]
orbitals_basis[subshell] += [list_words[0]]
for x in list_of_orbitals:
orbitals_coeff[x] += [float(list_words[_get_column(x)])]
line = f.readline()
line = f.readline()
data = {'configuration': configuration,
"energy": energy,
'kinetic_energy': kinetic_energy,
'potential_energy': potential_energy,
'orbitals': orbitals,
'orbitals_energy': np.array(orbitals_energy)[:, None],
'orbitals_cusp': np.array(orbitals_cusp)[:, None],
'orbitals_basis': orbitals_basis,
{key: np.asarray(value).reshape(len(value), 1)
for key, value in orbitals_exp.items()
if value},
{key: np.asarray(value).reshape(len(value), 1)
for key, value in orbitals_coeff.items() if value != []},
'orbitals_occupation': np.array([_get_number_of_electrons_per_orbital(configuration)[k]
for k in orbitals])[:, None],
{key: np.asarray([[int(x[0])] for x in value])
for key, value in orbitals_basis.items() if len(value) != 0}
return data