Source code for bfit.measure

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BFit - python program that fits a convex sum of
# positive basis functions to any probability distribution. .
# Copyright (C) 2020 The BFit Development Team.
# This file is part of BFit.
# BFit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# BFit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# ---
"""Measure Module."""

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np

__all__ = ["SquaredDifference", "KLDivergence", "TsallisDivergence"]

class Measure(ABC):
    r"""Abstract base class for the measures."""

    def evaluate(self, density, model, deriv=False):
        Abstract method for evaluating the measure.

        density : ndarray(N,)
            The exact density evaluated on the grid points.
        model : ndarray(N,)
            The model evaluated on the same :math:`N` points that `density` is
            evaluated on.
        deriv : bool, optional
            Whether it should return the derivatives of the measure w.r.t. to the
            model parameters.

        m : ndarray(N,)
            The measure between density & model on the grid points.
        dm : ndarray(N,)
            The derivative of measure w.r.t. model evaluated on the
            grid points. Only returned if `deriv=True`.

        raise NotImplementedError("Evaluate function should be implemented.")

[docs]class SquaredDifference(Measure): r"""Squared Difference Class for performing the Least-Squared method."""
[docs] def evaluate(self, density, model, deriv=False): r""" Evaluate squared difference b/w density & model on the grid points. This is defined to be :math:`(f(x) - g(x))^2`, where, :math:`f` is the true function, and :math:`g` is the model function, Parameters ---------- density : ndarray(N,) The exact density evaluated on the grid points. model : ndarray(N,) The model density evaluated on the grid points. deriv : bool, optional Whether to compute the derivative of squared difference w.r.t. model density. Default is false. Returns ------- m : ndarray(N,) The squared difference between density & model on the grid points. dm : ndarray(N,) The derivative of squared difference w.r.t. model density evaluated on the grid points, only returned if `deriv=True`. Notes ----- - This class returns the squared difference at each point in the domain. One would need to integrate this to get the desired least-squares. """ if not isinstance(model, np.ndarray): raise ValueError( f"Argument model should be {density.shape} array." ) if not isinstance(density, np.ndarray) or density.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Arguments density should be a 1D numpy array.") if model.shape != density.shape: raise ValueError(f"Model shape {model.shape} should be the same as density" f" {density.shape}.") if not isinstance(deriv, bool): raise TypeError(f"Deriv {type(deriv)} should be Boolean type.") # compute residual residual = density - model # compute squared residual value = np.power(residual, 2) # compute derivative of squared residual w.r.t. model if deriv: return value, -2 * residual return value
[docs]class KLDivergence(Measure): r"""Kullback-Leibler Divergence Class.""" def __init__(self, mask_value=1.e-12, negative_val=100000.0): r""" Construct the Kullback-Leibler class. Parameters ---------- mask_value : float, optional The elements less than or equal to this number are masked in a division, and then replaced with the value of one so that logarithm of one is zero. negative_val : (float, np.inf), optional Constant value that gets returned if the model density is negative (i.e. not a true probability distribution). Useful for optimization algorithms with weak constraints. """ super().__init__() self._mask_value = mask_value self._negative_val = negative_val @property
[docs] def mask_value(self): r"""Masking value used when evaluating the measure.""" return self._mask_value
[docs] def negative_val(self): r"""Value that gets returned if the model density is negative.""" return self._negative_val
[docs] def evaluate(self, density, model, deriv=False): r""" Evaluate the integrand of Kullback-Leibler divergence b/w true & model. .. math :: D(f, g) := \int_G f(x) \ln \bigg( \frac{f(x)}{g(x)} \bigg) dx where, :math:`f` is the true probability distribution, :math:`g` is the model probability distribution, :math:`G` is the grid being integrated on. If the model density is negative, then this function will return infinity. If :math:`g(x) < \text{mask value}` then :math:`\frac{f(x)}{g(x)} = 1`. Parameters ---------- density : ndarray(N,) The exact density evaluated on the grid points. model : ndarray(N,) The model density evaluated on the grid points. deriv : bool, optional Whether to return the derivative of divergence w.r.t. model density, as well. Default is false. Returns ------- m : ndarray(N,) The Kullback-Leibler divergence between density & model on the grid points. dm : ndarray(N,) The derivative of divergence w.r.t. model density evaluated on the grid points. Only returned if `deriv=True`. Raises ------ ValueError : If the model density is negative, then the integrand is un-defined. Notes ----- - Values of nodel density that are less than `mask_value` are masked when used in division and then replaced with the value of 1 so that logarithm of one is zero. - This class does not return the Kullback-Leibler divergence. One would need to integrate this to get the KL value. """ # check model density if not isinstance(model, np.ndarray): raise ValueError( f"Argument model should be {density.shape} array." ) if not isinstance(density, np.ndarray) or density.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Arguments density should be a 1D numpy array.") if model.shape != density.shape: raise ValueError(f"Model shape {model.shape} should be the same as density" f" {density.shape}.") if not isinstance(deriv, bool): raise TypeError(f"Deriv {type(deriv)} should be Boolean type.") if np.any(model < 0.): if deriv: # Add an incredibly large derivative return np.array([self.negative_val] * model.shape[0]), \ np.array([self.negative_val] * model.shape[0]) return np.array([self.negative_val] * model.shape[0]) # compute ratio & replace masked values by 1.0 ratio = density /, self.mask_value) ratio =, fill_value=1.0) # compute KL divergence # Add ignoring division by zero and multiplying by np.nan with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid="ignore"): value = density * np.log(ratio) # compute derivative if deriv: return value, -ratio return value
[docs]class TsallisDivergence(Measure): r"""Tsallis Divergence Class.""" def __init__(self, alpha=1.001, mask_value=1.e-12): r""" Construct the Kullback-Leibler class. Parameters ---------- alpha : float The alpha parameter of the Tsallis divergence. If it tends towards one, then Tsallis divergence approaches Kullback-Leibler. See Notes for more information. mask_value : float, optional The elements less than or equal to this number are masked in a division, and then replaced with the value of one so that logarithm of one is zero. Notes ----- - Care should be taken on :math:`\alpha`. If :math:`\alpha > 1` and it isn't too close to 1, then Tsallis divergence upper bounds the Kullback-Leibler and can be useful for optimization purposes. """ self._alpha = alpha self._mask_value = mask_value if self._alpha < 0: raise ValueError(f"Alpha parameter {alpha} should be positive.") if np.abs(self._alpha - 1.0) < 1e-10: raise ValueError(f"Alpha parameter {alpha} shouldn't be equal to one." f"Use Kullback-Leibler divergence instead.") super().__init__() @property
[docs] def alpha(self): r"""Return alpha parameter of the Tsallis divergence.""" return self._alpha
[docs] def mask_value(self): r"""Return masking value used when evaluating the measure.""" return self._mask_value
[docs] def evaluate(self, density, model, deriv=False): r""" Evaluate the integrand of Tsallis divergence ([1]_, [2]_) on grid points. Defined as follows: .. math:: \int_G \frac{1}{\alpha - 1} f(x) \bigg(\frac{f(x)}{g(x)}^{q- 1} - 1\bigg) dx, where :math:`f` is the true probability distribution, :math:`g` is the model probability distribution. :math:`G` is the grid being integrated on. Parameters ---------- density : ndarray(N,) The exact density evaluated on the grid points. model : ndarray(N,) The model density evaluated on the grid points. deriv : bool, optional Whether to compute the derivative of squared difference w.r.t. model density. Returns ------- m : ndarray(N,) The Tsallis divergence between density & model on the grid points. dm : ndarray(N,) The derivative of divergence w.r.t. model density evaluated on the grid points. Only returned if `deriv=True`. Notes ----- - This does not impose non-negativity of the model density, unlike the Kullback-Leibler. - Values of Model density that are less than `mask_value` are masked when used in division and then replaced with the value of 0. - As :math:`\alpha` parameter tends towards one, then this converges to the Kullback-Leibler. This is particularly useful for trust-region methods that don't impose strict constraints during the optimization procedure. - Care should be taken on :math:`\alpha`. If :math:`\alpha > 1` and it isn't too close to 1, then Tsallis divergence upper bounds the Kullback-Leibler and can be useful for optimization purposes. References ---------- .. [1] Ayers, Paul W. "Information theory, the shape function, and the Hirshfeld atom." Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 115.5 (2006): 370-378. .. [2] Heidar-Zadeh, Farnaz, Ivan Vinogradov, and Paul W. Ayers. "Hirshfeld partitioning from non-extensive entropies." Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 136.4 (2017): 54. """ # check model density if not isinstance(model, np.ndarray): raise ValueError( f"Argument model should be {density.shape} array." ) if not isinstance(density, np.ndarray) or density.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Arguments density should be a 1D numpy array.") if model.shape != density.shape: raise ValueError(f"Model shape {model.shape} should be the same as density" f" {density.shape}.") if not isinstance(deriv, bool): raise TypeError(f"Deriv {type(deriv)} should be Boolean type.") # compute ratio & replace masked values by 1.0 ratio = density /, self.mask_value) ratio =, fill_value=0.0) value = density * (np.power(ratio, self.alpha - 1.0) - 1.0) integrand = value / (self.alpha - 1.0) if deriv: return integrand, -np.power(ratio, self.alpha) return integrand