Source code for bfit.model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# BFit - python program that fits a convex sum of
# positive basis functions to any probability distribution. .
# Copyright (C) 2020 The BFit Development Team.
# This file is part of BFit.
# BFit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# BFit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# ---
r"""Models used for fitting."""

from numbers import Integral

import numpy as np

__all__ = ["AtomicGaussianDensity", "MolecularGaussianDensity"]

[docs]class AtomicGaussianDensity: r""" Gaussian density model for modeling the electronic density of a single atom. Atomic Gaussian density is a linear combination of Gaussian functions of S-type and p-type functions: .. math:: f(x) := \sum_i c_i e^{-\alpha_i |x - c|^2} + \sum_j d_j |x - c|^2 e^{-\beta_j |x - c|^2} where :math:`c_i, d_i` are the coefficients of s-type and p-type Gaussian functions, :math:`\alpha_i, \beta_j` are teh exponents of the s-type and p-type Gaussian functions, :math:`c` is the center of all Gaussian functions. :math:`x` is the real coordinates, can be multi-dimensional. """ def __init__(self, points, center=None, num_s=1, num_p=0, normalize=False): r""" Construct class representing atomic density modeled as Gaussian functions. Parameters ---------- points : ndarray, (N, D) Grid points where N is the number of points and D is the number of dimensions. center : ndarray (D,), optional The D-dimensional coordinates of the single center. If `None`, then the center is the origin of all zeros. num_s : int, optional Number of s-type Gaussian basis functions. num_p : int, optional Number of p-type Gaussian basis functions. normalize : bool, optional Whether to normalize Gaussian basis functions. """ if not isinstance(points, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("Argument points should be a numpy array.") if not isinstance(num_s, Integral) or num_s < 0: raise TypeError("Argument num_s should be a positive integer.") if not isinstance(num_p, Integral) or num_p < 0: raise TypeError("Argument num_p should be a positive integer.") if num_s + num_p == 0: raise ValueError("Arguments num_s & num_p cannot both be zero!") # check & assign coordinates. if center is not None: if not isinstance(center, np.ndarray) or center.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Argument center should be a 1D numpy array.") if points.ndim > 1 and points.shape[1] != center.size: raise ValueError("Points & center should have the same number of columns.") elif points.ndim > 1: center = np.array([0.] * points.shape[1]) else: center = np.array([0.]) self.coord = center # compute radii (distance of points from center center) if points.ndim > 1: radii = np.linalg.norm(points - self.coord, axis=1) else: radii = np.abs(points - self.coord) self._radii = np.ravel(radii) self._points = points self.ns = num_s = num_p self.normalized = normalize @property
[docs] def points(self): """Return the grid points.""" return self._points
[docs] def radii(self): """Return the distance of grid points from center of Gaussian(s).""" return self._radii
[docs] def num_s(self): """Return the number of s-type Gaussian basis functions.""" return self.ns
[docs] def num_p(self): """Return the number of p-type Gaussian basis functions.""" return
[docs] def nbasis(self): """Return the total number of Gaussian basis functions.""" return self.ns +
[docs] def natoms(self): """Return the number of basis functions centers.""" return 1
[docs] def prefactor(self): r"""Obtain list of exponents for the prefactors.""" return np.array([1.5] * self.ns + [2.5] *
[docs] def change_numb_s_and_numb_p(self, new_s, new_p): r""" Change the number of s-type and p-type Gaussians. Parameters ---------- new_s : int New number of s-type Gaussians. new_p : int New number of p-type Gaussians. """ if not isinstance(new_s, int): raise TypeError(f"New number of s-type {new_s} should be of type int.") if not isinstance(new_p, int): raise TypeError(f"New number of p-type {new_p} should be of type int.") self.ns = new_s = new_p
[docs] def evaluate(self, coeffs, expons, deriv=False): r""" Compute linear combination of Gaussian basis & its derivatives on the grid points. .. math:: f(x):= \sum_i c_i e^{-\alpha_i |x - c|^2} + \sum_j d_j |x - c|^2 e^{-\beta_j |x - c|^2} where :math:`c_i, d_i` are the coefficients of s-type and p-type Gaussian functions, :math:`\alpha_i, \beta_j` are teh exponents of the s-type and p-type Gaussian functions, :math:`c` is the center of all Gaussian functions. :math:`x` is the real coordinates, can be multi-dimensional. Parameters ---------- coeffs : ndarray(`nbasis`,) The coefficients :math:`c_i` of `num_s` s-type Gaussian basis functions followed by the coefficients :math:`d_j` of `num_p` p-type Gaussian basis functions. expons : ndarray(`nbasis`,) The exponents :math:`\alpha_i` of `num_s` s-type Gaussian basis functions followed by the exponents :math:`\beta_j` of `num_p` p-type Gaussian basis functions. deriv : bool, optional Whether to compute derivative of Gaussian basis functions w.r.t. coefficients & exponents. Returns ------- g : ndarray, (N,) The linear combination of Gaussian basis functions evaluated on the grid points. dg : ndarray, (N, 2 * `nbasis`) The derivative of a linear combination of Gaussian basis functions w.r.t. coefficients & exponents, respectively, evaluated on the grid points. Only returned if `deriv=True`. """ if coeffs.ndim != 1 or expons.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Arguments coeffs and expons should be 1D arrays.") if coeffs.size != expons.size: raise ValueError("Arguments coeffs and expons should have the same length.") if coeffs.size != self.nbasis: raise ValueError(f"Argument coeffs should have size {self.nbasis}.") # evaluate all Gaussian basis on the grid, i.e., exp(-a * r**2) matrix = np.exp(-expons[None, :] * np.power(self.radii, 2)[:, None]) # compute linear combination of Gaussian basis if == 0: # only s-type Gaussian basis functions return self._eval_s(matrix, coeffs, expons, deriv) elif self.ns == 0: # only p-type Gaussian basis functions return self._eval_p(matrix, coeffs, expons, deriv) else: # both s-type & p-type Gaussian basis functions gs = self._eval_s(matrix[:, :self.ns], coeffs[:self.ns], expons[:self.ns], deriv) gp = self._eval_p(matrix[:, self.ns:], coeffs[self.ns:], expons[self.ns:], deriv) if deriv: # split derivatives w.r.t. coeffs & expons d_coeffs = np.concatenate((gs[1][:, :self.ns], gp[1][:,]), axis=1) d_expons = np.concatenate((gs[1][:, self.ns:], gp[1][:,]), axis=1) return gs[0] + gp[0], np.concatenate((d_coeffs, d_expons), axis=1) return gs + gp
def _eval_s(self, matrix, coeffs, expons, deriv): r""" Compute linear combination of s-type Gaussian basis & its derivative on the grid points. Parameters ---------- matrix : ndarray, (N, M) The exp(-\alpha_i * r**2) array evaluated on grid points for each exponent. coeffs : ndarray, (M,) The coefficients of Gaussian basis functions. expons : ndarray, (M,) The exponents of Gaussian basis functions. deriv : bool, optional Whether to compute derivative of Gaussian basis functions w.r.t. coefficients & exponents. Returns ------- g : ndarray, (N,) The linear combination of s-type Gaussian basis functions evaluated on the grid points. dg : ndarray, (N, 2*M) The derivative of linear combination of s-type Gaussian basis functions w.r.t. coefficients (the 1st M columns) & exponents (the 2nd M columns) evaluated on the grid points. Only returned if `deriv=True`. """ # normalize Gaussian basis if self.normalized: matrix = matrix * (expons[None, :] / np.pi) ** 1.5 # make linear combination of Gaussian basis on the grid g =, coeffs) # compute derivatives if deriv: dg = np.zeros((len(self.radii), 2 * coeffs.size)) # derivative w.r.t. coefficients dg[:, :coeffs.size] = matrix # derivative w.r.t. exponents dg[:, coeffs.size:] = - matrix * np.power(self.radii, 2)[:, None] * coeffs[None, :] if self.normalized: matrix = np.exp(-expons[None, :] * np.power(self.radii, 2)[:, None]) dg[:, coeffs.size:] += 1.5 * matrix * (coeffs * expons**0.5)[None, :] / np.pi**1.5 return g, dg return g def _eval_p(self, matrix, coeffs, expons, deriv): """Compute linear combination of p-type Gaussian basis & its derivative on the grid points. Parameters ---------- matrix : ndarray, (N, M) The exp(-beta_i * r**2) array evaluated on grid points for each exponent. coeffs : ndarray, (M,) The coefficients of Gaussian basis functions. expons : ndarray, (M,) The exponents of Gaussian basis functions. deriv : bool, optional Whether to compute derivative of Gaussian basis functions w.r.t. coefficients & exponents. Returns ------- g : ndarray, (N,) The linear combination of p-type Gaussian basis functions evaluated on the grid points. dg : ndarray, (N, 2*M) The derivative of linear combination of p-type Gaussian basis functions w.r.t. coefficients (the 1st M columns) & exponents (the 2nd M columns) evaluated on the grid points. Only returned if `deriv=True`. """ # multiply r**2 with the evaluated Gaussian basis, i.e., r**2 * exp(-a * r**2) matrix = matrix * np.power(self.radii, 2)[:, None] if not self.normalized: # linear combination of p-basis is the same as s-basis with an extra r**2 return self._eval_s(matrix, coeffs, expons, deriv) # normalize Gaussian basis matrix = matrix * (expons[None, :]**2.5 / np.pi**1.5) / 1.5 # make linear combination of Gaussian basis on the grid g =, coeffs) if deriv: dg = np.zeros((len(self.radii), 2 * coeffs.size)) # derivative w.r.t. coefficients dg[:, :coeffs.size] = matrix # derivative w.r.t. exponents dg[:, coeffs.size:] = - matrix * np.power(self.radii, 2)[:, None] * coeffs[None, :] matrix = np.exp(-expons[None, :] * np.power(self.radii, 2)[:, None]) matrix = matrix * np.power(self.radii, 2)[:, None] dg[:, coeffs.size:] += 5 * matrix * (coeffs * expons**1.5)[None, :] / (3 * np.pi**1.5) return g, dg return g
[docs]class MolecularGaussianDensity: r""" Molecular Atom-Centered Gaussian Density Model. The Molecular Gaussian Density model is based on multiple centers each associated with a Gaussian density model (s or p-type) of any dimension. .. math:: f(x) := \sum_j \bigg[ \sum_{i =1}^{M^s_j} c_{ji} e^{-\alpha_{ji} |x - m_j|^2} + \sum_{i=1}^{M_j^p}d_{ji} |x - m_j|^2 e^{-\beta_{ji} |x - m_j|^2} \bigg] where :math:`c_{ji}, d_{ji}` are the ith coefficients of s-type and p-type functions of the jth center, :math:`\alpha_{ji}, \beta_{ji}` are the ith exponents of S-type and P-type functions of the jth center, :math:`M_j^s, M_j^p` is the total number of s-type or p-type Gaussians functions of the jth center respectively, :math:`m_j` is the coordinate of the jth center, and :math:`x` is the real coordinates of the point. It can be of any dimension. """ def __init__(self, points, coords, basis, normalize=False): """ Construct the MolecularGaussianDensity class. Parameters ---------- points : ndarray, (N, D) The grid points, where N is the number of grid points and D is the dimension. coords : ndarray, (M, D) The atomic coordinates (M centers) on which Gaussian basis are centered. basis : ndarray, (M, 2) The number of S-type & P-type Gaussian basis functions placed on each center. normalize : bool, optional Whether to normalize Gaussian basis functions. """ # check arguments if not isinstance(coords, np.ndarray) or coords.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Argument coords should be a 2D numpy array.") if basis.ndim != 2 or basis.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError("Argument basis should be a 2D array with 2 columns.") if len(coords) != len(basis): raise ValueError("Argument coords & basis should represent the same number of atoms.") if points.ndim > 1 and points.shape[1] != coords.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Arguments points & coords should have the same number of columns.") self._points = points self._basis = basis # place a GaussianModel on each center = [] self._radii = [] for i, b in enumerate(basis): # get the center of Gaussian basis functions, coords[i], b[0], b[1], normalize)) self._radii.append([-1].radii) self._radii = np.array(self._radii) @property
[docs] def points(self): """Get grid points.""" return self._points
[docs] def nbasis(self): """Get the total number of Gaussian basis functions.""" return np.sum(self._basis)
[docs] def radii(self): """Get the distance of grid points from center of each basis function.""" return self._radii
[docs] def natoms(self): """Get number of basis functions centers.""" return len(self._basis)
[docs] def prefactor(self): """ Get the pre-factor of Gaussian basis functions to make it normalized. Only used if attribute `normalize` is true. """ return np.concatenate([center.prefactor for center in])
[docs] def assign_basis_to_center(self, index): """Assign the Gaussian basis function to the atomic center. Parameters ---------- index : int The index of Gaussian basis function. Returns ------- index : int The index of atomic center. """ if index >= self.nbasis: raise ValueError(f"The {index} is invalid for {self.nbasis} basis.") # compute the number of basis on each center nbasis = np.sum(self._basis, axis=1) # get the center to which the basis function belongs index = np.where(np.cumsum(nbasis) >= index + 1)[0][0] return index
[docs] def evaluate(self, coeffs, expons, deriv=False): r""" Compute linear combination of Gaussian basis & its derivatives on the grid points. The Molecular Gaussian is defined to be: .. math:: f(x) := \sum_j \bigg[ \sum_{i =1}^{M^s_j} c_{ji} e^{-\alpha_{ji} |x - m_j|^2} + \sum_{i=1}^{M_j^p}d_{ji} |x - m_j|^2 e^{-\beta_{ji} |x - m_j|^2} \bigg] where :math:`c_{ji}, d_{ji}` are the ith coefficients of s-type and p-type functions of the jth center, :math:`\alpha_{ji}, \beta_{ji}` are the ith exponents of S-type and P-type functions of the jth center, :math:`M_j^s, M_j^p` is the total number of s-type or p-type Gaussians functions of the jth center respectively, :math:`m_j` is the coordinate of the jth center, and :math:`x` is the real coordinates of the point. It can be of any dimension. Parameters ---------- coeffs : ndarray, (`nbasis`,) The coefficients of `num_s` s-type Gaussian basis functions followed by the coefficients of `num_p` p-type Gaussian basis functions for an atom, then repeat for the next atom. expons : ndarray, (`nbasis`,) The exponents of `num_s` s-type Gaussian basis functions followed by the exponents of `num_p` p-type Gaussian basis functions for an atom, then repeat for the next atom. deriv : bool, optional Whether to compute derivative of Gaussian basis functions w.r.t. coefficients & exponents. Returns ------- g : ndarray, (N,) The linear combination of Gaussian basis functions evaluated on the grid points. dg : ndarray, (N, `nbasis`) The derivative of linear combination of Gaussian basis functions w.r.t. coefficients & exponents, respectively, evaluated on the grid points. Only returned if `deriv=True`. """ if coeffs.ndim != 1 or expons.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Arguments coeffs & expons should be 1D arrays.") if coeffs.size != self.nbasis or expons.size != self.nbasis: raise ValueError(f"Arguments coeffs & expons shape != ({self.nbasis},)") # assign arrays total_g = np.zeros(len(self.points)) if deriv: total_dg = np.zeros((len(self.points), 2 * self.nbasis)) # compute contribution of each center count = 0 for center in # get coeffs & expons of center cs = coeffs[count: count + center.nbasis] es = expons[count: count + center.nbasis] if deriv: # compute linear combination of gaussian placed on center & its derivatives g, dg = center.evaluate(cs, es, deriv) # split derivatives w.r.t. coeffs & expons dg_c = dg[:, :center.nbasis] dg_e = dg[:, center.nbasis:] # add contributions to the total array total_g += g total_dg[:, count: count + center.nbasis] = dg_c total_dg[:, self.nbasis + count: self.nbasis + count + center.nbasis] = dg_e else: # compute linear combination of gaussian placed on center total_g += center.evaluate(cs, es, deriv) count += center.nbasis if deriv: return total_g, total_dg return total_g